Monday, February 23, 2009

Teaching Writing Updates for 23-2-09

The writing assignment 1 so far has almost end, for the submission time.

The name list that I have collected and prepare to give to the lecturer is as below:

Click Here

If your name is not in the list, DO SURE LET ME KNOW as after I sent the list, I will not handle for any reasons nor excuses. Stop saying that you don't know to submit today as almost all of us know that we must submit it today though...

Next week we will have lecture as usual. Please make sure that all of you arrive and it is a must as there are something that the lecturer wants to give.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Huge Blackout

Well... today at 12am something... blackout... at whole school and also the hostel...

Tons of assignment that need to hand up soon... so... escaped out from the school and planned to back at 6am...

When arrived at Mcdonalds, it seems that there are a lot of people at here, also escaping from the 'blackout' situation at the school.

I guess there are also a lot of people that faces the same situation as me... busying for the assignments and the midterms at next week though... interesting.

Even though it is 2am, it seems that there are a lot of people studying here too...

Information about next week TESLian.

At next Monday, all of us are required to pass up the assignment 1 of Writing to me, before 5pm. This is because that the class for Writing is canceled.

If you not attempted to send it to me or unable to find me, please send the essay that you have written to the SPPS cafe, as I will be there at most of the time at next Monday, except 11-1pm and 4-5pm. The latest time possible to send it is at 6pm (After 5 I will stay at the cafe till 6pm).

I will not handle for any consequences that you own made (if you not pass the assignment) from the lecturer...

For Approaches, there are no any exams at Monday. I just get the information from the lecturer that the mid term substituted into presentation.

We will have no mid term for Writing, as it will be done by presentation too (this has been told at the beginning of the lecture), so please stop spreading fake news there.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Updates for the course at 16th FEB 09

These are the updates for the course of this week (Updated today, 15th Feb)

So far, there are no writing class for today. It is canceled.

No updates, it seems that the lecturer said there are tutorials at this week. Who knows...

There will be a tutorial starting this week, and the location will be BT 1, PPIB at 10.15am.

Monday, February 9, 2009

TE 10503 - Teaching Writing updates

Click this to show the list of the titles that we are going to do for assignment.

1st Assignment:

1. How Malaysians can be prepared for this era of globalization
2. How to solve cheating in public examinations
3. Achievements of Malaysia and Malaysians
4. Promoting greater understanding between communities

2nd Assignment:

1. I was never afraid of failure, for I would sooner fail than not be among the best-John Keats
2. Inspiration plus genius-one and the same-Victor Hugo
3. Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
4. The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up-Paul Valery

- The essay must not shorter than 350 words.
- The first assignment must be handed on 23th of February.
- The second assignment must be handed on 9th of March.
- Each assignment carries 10 marks.

The Week 6 notes for Teaching Writing (lecture 4) - TE 10503... here. Click Here to Download it.
The Lesson Plan for Teaching Writing ... Click Here to Download it.

Before I forget, just now at the auditorium, I found a jacket that is in red-black color and also a set of keys that written something. Please let me know if you know who is the owner...

Will inform again if there is any updates...

Updated today (18-2-09)!

The TESL weekly.

Well. As before, I will try to provide any information regard to the TESL community in here, by updating this at every Sunday. So anything please read here FIRST before you contact me... unless there are sudden changes in it.

Writing notes: Contain all of the notes up to Week 5 (1-2-2009)... Click Here to Download.

Morphology: So far got no updates. Therefore might no tutorial at this week again... (not confirmed)

ATLT (Approaches): So far no tutorial as no location found yet.

DA: Dunno so much about it...

What more...? You got information then just provide it.

Updated at 9-2-09.

A story about the friendship... 友情的故事!
