Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lack if internet connection and speed means that less blogging (but not less playing)...

Exam week 'finally' come. Wish to all of you good luck...

I am packed with several papers in a few days but then free for almost a week for that, what a stupid administration that made this time table... Hope that I can survive again for this semester. Don't even know what I had studied so far for this semester, busy with a lot activities though.

See you in the exam field sooner or later, or next semester!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

TESL Nite 2009

Last Friday (roguhly 3rd of April), we had our TESL Nite 2009 at our recital hall. Features for the activity are: our "Cinderharry" (a twist of Cinderella), bands, choir and also dancing.

There are several comments about what had happened before and after the night, and obviously there are good and bad comments about the overall thing too.

It takes quite a short time for the preparation and also for everything. But still everything can be covered and at least it was done successfully.

Guess will spend some time to get the photoes soon (as I only get the video clips for now). Thanks to everyone that really made the TESL Night as a night that we can really rememer. Forget about anything bad that hs happened and just think about the goods and the successfulness of the night and be happy with it. No hard fellings.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Important Updates about Writing!

These are the recent updates for the Writing! As there are no class for today, so that I got the details as follow.

The message from her:
"Read and memorize notes on Thesis Statement, Supporting Details, Topic Sentence, What is Writing. I will make last week as the last week of the class and even those who not come to the presentation as attending."

For the assignment (lesson plan) that you want to submit, please give me the soft copy through me or pass to my e-mail (miles_dixon@hotmail.com), before this Wednesday.