Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dinner at E?

Today is the day for my hostel, which is called Dinner @ E. The ticket costs us RM45 (Gosh, that is pretty expensive!) for us to got there. But normally we decided to go just for the reason that they 'promise' to give us a status to live in the hostel in the future session, so... we go.

The dinner is located in Sutera Harbor.

What we are going to do after we have registered ourselves at there? Photo taking...

The mates of SPE as well as my coursemates.

At here, most of them are the TESL students in my batch (can be said as the gang Chinese and Indian).

My TESL friend. One of the jokers that I have mentioned before (laughs).

The gang that in my table.

I think about the dinner, will be nothing for me to explain a lot, but always in these kind of function, there will have the lucky draw (always).

For a normal lucky draw, we will get a hamper just if we are lucky enough. For the worthy item today is the air ticket, won by someone, and of course, inside the lucky draw, there will be something that is really 'worthless' too.

The voucher of the cafe of my hostel.

My friend won it and it only worth for a meal, not even RM10 -.- how good the committee use the method of lukyk draw while giving use these kind of 'voucher'...

That should be for the dinner. Nothing special, wastes money just for getting the guarantee of living in the hostel (not really can guarantee it yet) because the food is not so delicious and need to hear for 3 loser's speech during the dinner...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

In a few days ago, when I attend to the lecture in School of Economics, something here has draw out my attention.

The students in the school has organized the World Earth day (Hell I know what on earth is that).
The students at the school has planted several fruit trees (as you can see in the picture, they have putted some white markers on the fields). But wonder is there any fruit will come out?

The banner shows that the current day's activity, which is called the World Earth Day.

My signature is also in there, y'know.

It can clearly seen that the dean of School of Economics is extremely active on outdoor thingy, but if mention about my school, uh...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mid Term for SLA

Today is another mid term which that I am really scare of, the SLA (Second Language Acquisition) Mid Term. Frankly, I did not study about it, what I know is only mt lecturer told during the lecture.

You also know it, if you did not study, what result will you get during an exam, so do I. (But I really cannot get into the mood of study).

My lecturer give us a hour to 'settle' with our exam paper. When I opened the paper, I feel some sort of relief.

The paper is actually not that hard as I imagined!

Yeah. It is not that hard. I only use around half of the estimated time, which is 70 minutes, to finish my paper.

And then, I have take some of the photos since I have end my paper early.

My friends staring at me, and chuckles when they saw that I was taking the photos.

Lawson's Advertisement during the mid term: "By 3 in 1 Rich Nescafe, it is delicious!"

Have their time to look at me during the mid term. Salutations. Perhaps they finish their paper too?

Hopefully I can get at least 60% of the total paper's mark... for this...

Monday, March 10, 2008

This is what we called... LIFE! #3

Ever go to eat French Cuisine before? I and my 'mates' have the experience just in a few days ago!

There's a French restaurant called Fratinni's in Warisan Square. We decided to go there and try the new taste of food.

When we looked at the menu, my first response: somehow... expensive, but since that we rarely come to this kind of places, it will worth to have a try.

Here it goes...

The drink, Cafe Fratinni (if I recall the name right), something like Kopi 'O, but more to Latte (or in other style).

This is called... Carbonara, something will milk and mayonnaise cream and meat + pasta.

Seafood pasta, as you can see there, prawns. Called seafood Fettucine, I think.

The Haiwaiian Pizza, different a little bit if compared to the Pizza Hut. And this is not the original one as the chicken chunk and meat is not available so it changed to sausage.

Garlic bread, topped with anchovies, cheese and some sort of vegetable salad at the left?

See how Fiona look at the menu 'seriously'.

The phone maniacs (also jokers, called Garry and Lawson)... Non-stop SMS even after the meal, eh.

Lawson and Fiona want to have a memory in the restaurant. Forgot that there is a mirror, ah...

It seems that at the time we are going there, there is a 30% discount for all pastas and pizzas. But still the price when we checkout is somehow expensive, that's what I think about.

Yeah... We also have a Japanese cuisine after that!

The view of the Japanese Restaurant that we went to, located in City Mall (as long as you have vehicles, if not it will cause you trouble when you want to go there.)

Talk about Japanese Food, then it will be sushi (迴轉壽司)then. The color of plate here determines the value of the sushi. At here, the aqua plate costs RM4 while the red is RM 6.

Salmon fish + fried rice. Nothing to drag off about this, except the miso soup (味增汤).
The miso soup put a lot of seasonings that I never seen before. Have a weird smell but still it tastes OK.

Sweet and Sour chicken with the garlic fried rice. If it it is more on the volume will be better though.
Some sort of sashimi, looks like the grilled salmon fish.

It seems that that day we have a lot of money. Try Japanese food and also French food. It seems that Japanese food is quite popular and more crowded at the restaurant. Because Malaysian is Asian so they more keen into Japanese food (Asian food)?

It is worth a try on these foods, since it is quite a rare occasion when you can go to such places, with your friends and enjoying there, you know.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

What a surprise...

In a school...
Study is most normal thing that we need to do.
Have a test is a normal thing.
While, always have midterm which is in a criteria of test, is normal.
Revisions before a test, obviously normal.
Preparation and Last Minute study a moment before the test is normal.
'study' during the test in the progress... Is it normal?

If so,
What is the purpose that we study on it?
What is the reason teacher gives us the tips?
What is the meaning of the preparation we need before the exam?
What is the meaning of revision before the paper?
What is the reason we want to have a test?
What will you gain if you cheating in the exam?

Test is not they way to evaluate your knowledge only in the skills, but it is the key to evaluate the humanity that we have inside our heart...

Guilty man...