Thursday, July 16, 2009

Plenty of surprises and surely it will be a miserable 'new semester' for me soon...

1. Results
Pointers dropped 'dramatically' from 3.XX to 2.XX, luckily my CGPA is near to 3.XX so that I still manage to save my pointer for this semester, if everything are fine for this semester now quite worried if still manage to do so from judging at the courses that I am taking this

2. Roomates
Never imagine that I can find a people that is extremely 8 days from the day he moves in, his average clothes washing time is 0 and I wonder if he really cares about his own personal hygiene.

3. Courses
Realized that it is tough when it comes to choose a course, when you are going to decide for your sake of pointer or based on your favorite lecturer or for safety reason... it is hard to make the decision. At the last, need to take the lead to drop a course and take a course that I am not intended to take for this semester, hopefully I am safe for this as I am going to meet that person 4 times a week (suffering)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Semester break left 'a few days'... and soon will need to struggle for result again I still not yet recovered from the impact of the result and quite envy someone that still 'managed' to get such good results without doing anything.

The only left activity that I need to join is my school activity. Hopefully by joining the activities held in my school will able to let me live in the hostel for next year... hate the hostel admin system, judging people through pointers and activity, yet not able to get a double room

Rooms... is still a '?' for me and don't know how is my future roommates will be. Quite nervous, hopefully it will be good ones and it will be better if it is in same school or same course. It is rare to find any roommates that are taking same school with me, and is even rarer to get roommates in same

New semester, new year, new challenges. Hope that I can overcome it, and so do