Wednesday, January 23, 2008

SMK All Saint - my first fieldwork~

As the requirement of one of my major program in the school, I and my mates have decided to go to SMK All Saints (in urban area) to do our research at there.

A thing that really surprising here: The classroom at here are all open air. The show that I have take is in here:
It is quite hard to imagine how they will study if any of the classes around are noisy. Can be said as the student here are well discplined.

The alleyway or the garden of SMK All Saints. Full with flowers and also some special scientific name of certain plants that I also not sure how to spell it.

This school is interesting. Hopefully I got a chance to do my practicum at here in the future. But still I will prefer to do it at my hometown, Lawas, so that I can stay at my house during the practicum...

Friday, January 11, 2008

PTPTN, money...

When you talk about cash, it might be the most complicated thing at all.

Thanks to the dean, and most of our money for the loan (PTPTN) is now delayed. Why? In order to get the loan from PTPTN, you will need to wait for the results in the previous semester is out and then with your CGPA is 2.0 and above. We all have the result, except his - delayed for a long time.

At the beginning of the semester, we will need a lot of cash for this and that... However, for this time, all of these need to be delayed, because of that.

We need to do a lot of procedure for the PTPTN, and need to be verified in order to get the money, as well as pay for the interest after we have finished our studies too. We are not getting the money for free!

It is tough when you are short of cash, especially is in the beginning of the year and the semester. Will the money come in as soon as possible?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Misfortune, or fortune?

It seems that my luck for this month are quite bad (maybe). My PTPTN not yet being cashed-off due to my de** in my school that give out the result late. Not only me but my friends also which undergo his course by previous semester, are all affected. It seems that our money will be cashed one month later than what we expected.

And then, I become class monitor, in several classes, and also the 'house master' (what... ketua rumah) in my unit. Just wonder that all of these are really my fortune or my misfortune. Will my wish become true by this semester and I can get what I want with such funny signs that I get in the early semester (even in the year)?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

New year, new dissappointment, new wish

As for the normal ways, the new year should come out with a new and better things. However, there are some exception in it.

As in my school, yeah, the first thing that make myself really annoyed in it. I am quite disappointed with the new school system, which when we want to register for the course, the system said that I owe the school money. This thing makes me that I have quarreled with my parents about that.

Really pissed off and annoyed.

Feel that the online system of the school is really... 'sux'. Yeah, my very-very first disappointed thing on it.

At the few days later, we want to arrange for the course and also for the time table. All of my major course clashed with the time table for the major of my school's course.

I have find my P.A. (Academic adviser) to discuss about it, and she also says that the Academic Department make the time table for this semester really a mess.

Why dissappointed? I have ti take the courses that I am not yet ready to take, and then I need to study from Monday till Saturday (really annoyed with the system, sigh).

Hopefully that because of this, I can maintain my pointer to 3.0 and also have a new hope for myself as well...... that is...

Yeah, I want to find a girl friend. Wonder that myself, is any girls that likes me? >.< hopefully you can help me about that.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What will you do...?

Before I start, I state clearly for my stand first - I am not insulting on anyone, even the people is in the photo that I snap on it. Just wonder what you (and other people) will do when you meet these kind of...

Have you ever meet with beggars?
Have you ever meet with crazy people?
Have you ever meet with someone that asks for money but he is not having any disabilities?

Kind of pity when you meet them, eh?

What will you do when you meet with someone's crazy that shouting on you? Yes, and no for me, because I did meet anyone is nuts but the people is not scolding at me.

There are several people like this in my area.

Look at this.

Rumored that he is a rich man before he is crazy.

And this.

I heard from my friend's father that he said she is normal before, but now she is just know to drawing and scolding at others.

As they have drew my attention on it though. Pity, isn't it? Or admire on them?

Happy New Year 08!

As title mentioned, today shall have no posts, but I will try to make any of them in the future.

Just make it short for this one - Happy New Year 2008 and let all unhappy things become a history (but I have my first unhappy thing even is the first day...)

Again, Wish y'all have a nice, new year. And thanks for visiting my blog, but I will appreciate that if you can leave a comment or something.