Friday, November 14, 2008

Just something with regard to our course.

Okay, so it seems that there are lot of problems on our faculty and our coordinator is trying to sort the problems out. So this is the response I get from the lecturer.

From the next semester onwards, all of us must going to get the same major regardless of the number of us. There will be no additional options and if you miss it, then the worst condition is to extend your study. You don't like it, so do I. Nobody loves to extend the study for this reason.

There will be 4 major (total of 12 hour credit) that we must take for next semester.

1. Discourse Analysis (WED, 8-10am)
2. Approaches to Language Learning (MON 11-1pm)
3. Introduction to Morphology (FRI, 8-10am)
4. The Social Context of Language Learning (Unknown yet)
5. Materials Development (THUR 10-12pm) *my mistake on this. Changed to correct day.

You only need to choose between Discourse Analysis and Approaches to Language Learning. If you taken Discourse Analysis, then in the next semester you will need to take Approaches to Language Learning and vice versa.

In your pre registration for the next semester, please take the courses that listed as above. For the time table for The Social Context of Language Learning, I think the admin office (not so confident though) or the lecturer will inform us as soon as possible.

Therefore, for most of us, the credit hours for next semester will be like this...

4 Majors (12CH), 2 Schools / 1 School, 1 PPIB/ Kokum (6CH) and 1 Foreign Language (2CH) that sums up to 20, or 17CH or 14CH, up to you.

Remember, all of the major course listed above are the courses that we MUST TAKE. You will regret for sure if you not taking it for the next semester.

Any information will be updated as soon as I can. Unless stated other way, or not we will stick onto these courses for next semester.

P/S: I will totally ignore whomever that SMS me about this. Unless you call me, otherwise I will not reply to your SMS.

1 comment:


the material development timetable is thursday 10-12pm...