Saturday, November 10, 2007

My unfortunate day

If you going to ask me about that - unfortunate day, then it will be today.

I have set my phone alarm to 7am, yet I still arrive late to my exam arena at today. Today is supposed to be have a final exam for me at 9am, but I arrived at the arena at half past 9. Well... if according to the rules, I will have a 50/50 chance to take the test, or retake the test.

By the moment I went in, the lecturer says that it might be not possible for me to take it since there are already have some students have went out; I think I should considered myself lucky, since the lecturer says that I will need to take the exam again at next Tuesday. It means I missed my test, and I need to retake it at the time.

I will have double papers at that day, but what I can say? Because of my silliness on sleeping late and wake up late? Poor excuse, I know that.

If you asks me what I fear, perhaps I will say about the time of between 7 to 10am. If that moment I have class or exam, there are possibility that I will miss it - even though I don't know why.

What an unfortunate day for me...

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