In a school...
Study is most normal thing that we need to do.
Have a test is a normal thing.
While, always have midterm which is in a criteria of test, is normal.
Revisions before a test, obviously normal.
Preparation and Last Minute study a moment before the test is normal.
'study' during the test in the progress... Is it normal?
If so,
What is the purpose that we study on it?
What is the reason teacher gives us the tips?
What is the meaning of the preparation we need before the exam?
What is the meaning of revision before the paper?
What is the reason we want to have a test?
What will you gain if you cheating in the exam?
Test is not they way to evaluate your knowledge only in the skills, but it is the key to evaluate the humanity that we have inside our heart...
Guilty man...
How about the people who didn't do for lecture class but got their name signed? and got their marks for the attendance? Doesn't it the same as cheating in the exam'?
How to say about the attendance... This is true that attandance cheating is happening even until today. However, when the lecturer realize that this case (cheating on attendance for the marks), then the lecturer recently did not count the marks for the attendance (still got some of the lecturer remains the attendance mark).
Since that attendance marks' scale is low, therefore they think that this will not pose a threat.
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