Is it really 'final' for the course time?
I can say that - I don't think so, and it seems to be worse than the previous semester.
Flaws - Quite a lot... can be seen when you are searching for the time table of your course. The course codes changed. For example a course: UF3072 now changed to US00302. It has caused more confusion when we want to register our course by the 1st of July soon.
Nightmares coming!
Well, as mentioned earlier, we will face 3 killers in this year in our major, and eventually one of the lecturer that has a bad reputation from us has stayed his post- but I am still not sure that if he is teaching the course that we are taking. I am not his student before, but judged from most of my mates by last semester, it seems that this guy is not a good person though. Real or not, who knows.
There was another two lecturer who known as killer that we must face by this year. It has been foretold from our seniors that it is rare to get a A, or even a B when you are under these lecturers. Currently the best result they gave in the past merely a B-.
Can I survive this year?
A tough question. Getting a Spanish course that I am weak at, and now need to face a lot of killer lecturers in this year, not matter he/she is teaching the major course or the school course. School course are always to be shown as a threat to us to maintaining the pointer of 3.0 and above, while major course.. It is fine as long as the lecturer are kind, as I have faced some, especially Mr. Lourdes that teaches me by the previous semester.
My friends ask me to give up my Spanish and taking Japanese instead. It seems that is easy, but I need to waste a year time again as foreign language courses takes 4 semesters to complete (and I am half way in it). Through thick and thin, I will need to take Spanish as I just need to suffer for two semesters only and I must maintain at least a C- for this course - then I am safe.
Going to plan your course time table?
Forget it. See the screenshot at the right? This is one of the course that I am taking. They made changes and it has caused confusion as we are following our prospectus which they have only 4 numbers after the code. They not only changed the number and they have changed the code.
In instance, Japanese and Spanish previously are coded UF and now Japanese are coded as UJ, while Spanish as US. The Malaysian studies we take previously coded as UF too and now changed to UL.
And then, the time table is still not yet filled! So far I know that my major and my school course are always in conflict and cannot imagine that in this semester, the courses are also in conflict, even the school course itself also crashed with each another. We are forced to take all of the school course while we need to take our own majors and minors. Thanks to them, we need to abandon the courses that we are going to take again. Sigh.
Problems are forwarded to them, and they will take the action to repair it or not, I don't know. Perhaps they want us to waste our effort again by checking the time table at our own faculty so that they can save their time to fill in these blanks. But if they think so, why they make this in the first place and inform us about that?
Not persistent and lame.
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