Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Updates concerning our courses!

Well, if you have attended the meeting about TESL'ian yesterday, I am sure that there are some problem about our courses as we need to give the 'places' to the seniors. Therefore, the solution is now as below: Take the courses that are only offered for the second year students. This is the updated version.

1. Teaching Writing Skills
2. Approaches to Language Learning / Discourse Analysis
3. Introduction to Morphology
4. Major School 1
5. Major School 2
6. Free / Major School 3 / PPIB Courses / Co-curricular activity
7. Foreign / English Language.

with the total of 17/ 20 CH for this semester.

Decide yourself for the major school, and if we can meet there sure it is fun. That's all for the updates.

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