Sunday, February 22, 2009

Information about next week TESLian.

At next Monday, all of us are required to pass up the assignment 1 of Writing to me, before 5pm. This is because that the class for Writing is canceled.

If you not attempted to send it to me or unable to find me, please send the essay that you have written to the SPPS cafe, as I will be there at most of the time at next Monday, except 11-1pm and 4-5pm. The latest time possible to send it is at 6pm (After 5 I will stay at the cafe till 6pm).

I will not handle for any consequences that you own made (if you not pass the assignment) from the lecturer...

For Approaches, there are no any exams at Monday. I just get the information from the lecturer that the mid term substituted into presentation.

We will have no mid term for Writing, as it will be done by presentation too (this has been told at the beginning of the lecture), so please stop spreading fake news there.

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