Saturday, May 16, 2009

The admin issue again... and our course registration

Recently I am quite 'hardworking' on checking on the SMP and also the admin department website to search for updates about anything. Found out that the admin website mention there will be a pre-registration starting 11 till 31 May, but at the same page, the website also mention that the SM Portal will be re-opened at 29th June.

Which one is true?

Except that, when I checked the SMP site, it seems that there are something wrong (my hostel registration reverted back again), and I really dislike the way they do something! The hostel affairs made me in troubles to getting help and asking for why I am not accepted (and finally accepted), and now the problem of the data is reverted or whatever they got for excuses... guess I will need to make a call to both hostel department and also the admin department... (And now have some problem to get the telephone of my hostel department... *sigh*

The courses that are offered by (next year is in strike and underlined font) (next semester is in bold and italicized) will also be as follow (subject to change):

TE 20103 - Introduction to Semantics (Tue, 8-10am)
TE 30003 - Syllabus Design (Mon, 8-10am)
TE 30203 - TESL Methodology 1 (TESL) (Thur, 8-10am)
TE 20303 - Materials Development (Tue 10-12pm)
TE 30103 - Social Context of Language Learning (Tue 8-10am)
TE 30303 - TESL Methodology 2 (Literature)
(no timetable yet, not offered for next semester)

*It is rumored that all of these classes are in 8am.
* DA Lecturer changed to somebody else... not the doctor anymore -.-

If the registration starts, please register for the 3 courses below, and do let me know if there is any problem on the registration.

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