经常看到这样的事例,多少去搀扶老人或受伤者竟被指责为肇事者,理由竟是你没有做亏心事何以去帮他们;多少见义勇为者最后流血流泪甚至要坐牢,理由 竟是这不是你的职责范围或你正当防卫过当;多少曾经失足者想要从新做人,却没有人相信他们,也没有人敢起用他们,理由竟是好狗改不了吃屎的习惯;多少从商 者想依法纳税,却被讥笑为傻瓜,理由是能够偷税者才是真聪明;多少从政者想留清白在人间,却无人理睬更没有领导去提拔他们,理由竟是做官没好处,请我也不 来;多少举报者被打击、丢职甚至丢掉性命,理由竟是谁挡我的道,我要谁的命;卖淫、二奶已成为这个社会的流行词;偷盗、抢劫、强奸、诈骗成为这个社会常见 的现象;贪污、腐败已成为官场的代名词……
一是我们还没有形成最基本的诚信观。喊了多年的诚信,搞了多年的市场经济。然而,在新中国的60年建设中,我们还没有建立最基本的诚信观,或对 于诚信还缺乏真正的认识,尤其在改革开放三十年来,本来就十分脆弱的诚信观被西方的道德观冲得无影无踪,就连在街上搀扶一位老人,送受伤者或突发病人去医 院都有可能被亲属误会,最后的结果做好事者可能成为掏腰包者,于是,出现了做好人好事要分几步,要有证据,还要有录像,否则,很有可能连法院都不会相信 你,见义勇为者流血流泪甚至坐牢,公安人员甚至说出这不是见义勇为者的责任……这其实涉及到我们社会最基本的诚信和良知问题。所以,我们这个社会建立起诚 信观,有了诚信,才有可能有好的社会风气。
二是我们没有树立良好的金钱观。在以钱和权说话的今天,钱是老爷,钱能通神,钱能让好人弯腰,钱能让权力变得扭曲。只要涉及到钱,假话、造假就 会铺面而来,友情、亲情也荡然无存,甚至生命也在金钱面前变得不堪一击,权力和法律也会倒向金钱的一方,因为权力和法律是人在执行,所以,只要能弄到钱, 下级部门或政府会编着谎言或扩大事实找上面要钱;只要能弄到钱,有些部门就可以把上面的拔款挪作他用;只要能弄到钱,行贿受贿就成为公开的秘密;只要能弄 到钱,各种欺诈就能够满天飞;只要能弄到钱,身体也成为一种本钱……
三是我们没有树立国家利益至上的观念。我们是中国人,我们和国家的利益息息相关,国家强大我们才能安定幸福……这些话人人都会讲,但国家是什 么?国家其实是个空洞的概念,他是属于960万平方公里的土地,还是属于13亿人民。所以,国家就成了唐僧肉,谁都想去拿为已用,国家的税收不偷白不偷, 国家的钱不贪白不贪,国家的东西不拿白不拿,如此的想法,哪有依法纳税的商人?哪有为官廉洁的官员?因为偷税者往往成为富翁;贪官往往是官运亨通。
四是我们没有正确的正义观。在我们这个社会,主持正义往往是傻瓜的代名词。所以,见义勇为者是多事,没有谁叫你去做,甚至有公安人员说这不是他 们的责任,所以,公开抢劫无人去理睬;有人落水不敢去抢救;看见强奸赶紧躲开……所以,因为正义的举报者往往成为打击报复的对象,甚至丢掉工作、甚至被神 经病、甚至坐牢、甚至丢掉生命……所以,我们一方面呼唤包公那样的官员,一方面如果真有廉洁官员往往没有朋友,更没有人向他们喝彩,尤其是很少有提拔的机 会……
五是我们没有树立正确的公平观。公平在我们这个时代很少有显现,如分配的不平等,一个企业,老总与基层员工的收入差别几十倍、上百倍已不是新 闻,甚至上千倍也存在,不是说某企业的老总年收入达到6千多万元,而底层老百姓年收入只不过2万多元,如考公务员,就出现了为某人量身打造的规则,其他人 不可能或很少有可能达到这个要求,即使有幸达到这个要求,也要用总总理由推掉他,如某海关的仓库招一个仓库保管员设立的条件,就有嫌疑为某人量身打造;某 职位在考试时,虽然有三个名额,但两个缺考,30多分就顺利达到了要求;江西吉安公安系统、西安城管系统甚至出现了考第一名者因为不是原设定之人,竟然以 各种理由拒绝他们上班,甚至还要将他们指控为网上通缉犯。在提拔领导干部时,领导的子女往往优先提拔,如山东、河南等地都出现过这样的情况,有句话说得让 人心酸:将军的儿子只能当将军,因为元帅自己有儿子,所以,现在底层老百姓很难流到上层。
六是缺乏真正的民主集中制。民主集中制是我党成长、壮大的法宝,也是多年总结出来行之有效的宝贵经验。然而,现在,许多部门、单位、机关、企 业、甚至各级政府,却很少有真正的民主集中制,往往成为某位领导的一言堂,几乎所有的制定、规定都是领导的言论,所谓的民主集中制也不过是走形式,走过 场。所以,谁上台就听谁的,他的话也就成为了法律,所以,政府、部门、机关、国有企业就成为某个人的了,如此集权下的政府、部门、机关、国有企业,哪有什 么公平、正义可言?哪有好人生存的空间?
七是以民为本只是口号,没有落到实处。以民为本是各级官员应有的责任,也就是过去提出的“全心全意为人民服务”。然而,这些都成为了官员的口头 禅,只落实在表面上、报告上、文件里、政绩上,就是没有落到实处,老百姓根本没有得到实惠,即使个别老百姓得到了实惠,那也只是政绩的需要、宣传的需要、 做表面文章的需要。在一些官员眼里,老百姓并不是他们的主人,他才是老百姓的主人,所有有人说:美国的市长要讨好所有老百姓,而中国所有的老百姓要讨好市 长,甚至有些官员比黑社会的老大还要黑,比和珅还要贪,如前几天出现的某“索命书记”,如重庆的文强,如现在的一些“许三多”官员。所以,现在就出现了官 民对抗到了很严重的程度,甚至出现某位官员之死竟成了网络上网民的盛宴。我们的国家也是有类是的口号,但是他们实行了吗?看看我们的官员就知道了,报纸统统是政治家的所谓民主的课题来说...
八是财富的高度集中。中国只是一个发展中国家,但中国却是世界上最大的奢侈国,而能够奢侈的人却不到总人数的1%,绝大多数的老百姓却要节衣缩 食、精打细算过日子,而且在物价疯狂上涨的现在,住房、医疗、教育、就业、打官司成为老百姓头上的五座大山。现在,许多老百姓连一日三餐也需要精打细算 了。一边是一掷千金、包二奶、二爷,一边是生活困难,不得不去卖淫、不得不沦为二奶、二爷,如此鲜明的对比,要想社会风气能够好转那是不可能的事情。
九是失业率越来越高。要想社会风气文明,前提条件是人人要有工作,而且要有体面的工作,要有较高的收入,这样,人们才有尊严,都有可能讲究礼 仪,否则,那只能是一厢情愿。然而,现在的失业率却越来越高,越来越多的人没有事做,但这些人要生活啊,所以,偷盗、抢劫、强奸、诈骗就成为扭转社会风气 的难题,光靠打击只能治标,不能治本,要从根本上解决这些问题,就是要让他们享有劳动的权力。
十是我们的法律根本不够严谨。要树立正确的观念,必须要有严谨的法律,然而,虽然我们已有不少的法律,但很少有法律能够做到严谨,往往一部法律 公说公有理,婆说婆有理,在一部法律背后往往是有许多与法律背道而驰的解释,最后要领导拍板才能决定,成为领导玩弄权术的东西,而且官员能够用职务顶罪, 老百姓只能用身体或生命顶罪,法律面前没有做到人人平等,现在的贪官往往要么被免职了事,如果民愤够大,开除工作,如果罪大恶极,也就是个死缓,这也成了 法律对现代官员的公开潜规则。还有,现在的法律往往成为领导恐吓老百姓的保护绳。如在拆迁方面,有些人竟然不认《物权法》,而只认《拆迁条例》,而且有领 导喊出了“没有强拆就没有新中国”的口号。
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
如果有一天,你发现老父老母的一些习惯不再是习惯时,就像他们不再想要天天洗 澡时;
千 万别误以为他们感冒或着凉,(那是吞咽神经老化的现象) ; 如果有一天,你发觉他们不再爱出门…… 如果有这么一天,我要告诉你,你要警觉父母真的已经老了,器官已经退化到需要别人照料了。 如果你不能照料,请你替他们找人照料,并请你请你千万千万要常常探望,不要让他们觉得被遗弃了。 每 个人都会老,父母比我们先老,我们要用角色互换的心情去照料他,才会有耐心、才不会有怨言,当父母不能照顾自己的时候,为人子女要警觉,他们可能会大小便 失禁、可能会很多事都做不好,如果房间有异味,可能他们自己也闻不到,请不要嫌他脏或嫌他臭,为人子女的只能帮他清理,并请维持他们的“自尊心”。 当他们不再爱洗澡时,请抽空定期帮他们洗身体,因为纵使他们自己洗也可能洗不干净。当我们在享受食物的时候,请替他们准备一份大小适当、容易咀嚼的一小 碗,因为他们不爱吃可能是牙齿咬不动了。 从我们出生开始,喂奶换尿布、生病的不眠不休照料、教我们生活基本能力、供给读书、吃喝玩乐和补习,关心和行动永远都不停歇。如果有一天,他们真的动不了 了,角色互换不也是应该的吗? 为人子女者要切记,看父母就是看自己的未来,孝顺要及时。
其实父母亲要的真的不多,只是一句随意的问候「爸、妈,你们今天好吗?」随意买的宵夜,煮一顿再普通不过的晚餐,睡前帮他们盖盖被子,天冷帮他们添衣服、戴手套... 都能让他们高兴温馨很久。” 皋鱼曰:“吾失之三矣:少而学,游诸侯,以后吾亲,失之一也;高尚吾志,间吾事君,失之二也;与友厚而小绝之,失之三矣。树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待 也。往而不可〔追者,年也,去而不可〕得见者、亲也。吾请从此辞矣。”立槁而死。孔子曰:“弟子诫之,足以识矣。”于是门人辞归而养亲者十有三人。
皋 鱼说:我已经失去了三个亲人了:年轻的时候我就读书识字,然后游历各个诸侯国,这期间我失去了一个亲人;然后我提升自己,为了让自己过得悠闲,替君王办 事,这期间失去了第二个亲人;而后,一切都好了,又忙着与朋友三五成群的交往游玩,后来,又失去了第三个亲人。树想要不动摇但是风没有停止,我想要孝敬亲 人,亲人却已经不在了。过去了就再也追不回的是时间,走了就再也见不到的是亲人。我于是从此辞去了官职。说完,皋鱼马上憔悴的死了。孔子回头告诉弟子:你 们要引以为诫啊,这可以让你们好好认识一下了。 于是,孔子门人中,十个有三个要辞行回去赡养亲人。"
如果有一天,你发现老父老母的一些习惯不再是习惯时,就像他们不再想要天天洗 澡时;
千 万别误以为他们感冒或着凉,(那是吞咽神经老化的现象) ; 如果有一天,你发觉他们不再爱出门…… 如果有这么一天,我要告诉你,你要警觉父母真的已经老了,器官已经退化到需要别人照料了。 如果你不能照料,请你替他们找人照料,并请你请你千万千万要常常探望,不要让他们觉得被遗弃了。 每 个人都会老,父母比我们先老,我们要用角色互换的心情去照料他,才会有耐心、才不会有怨言,当父母不能照顾自己的时候,为人子女要警觉,他们可能会大小便 失禁、可能会很多事都做不好,如果房间有异味,可能他们自己也闻不到,请不要嫌他脏或嫌他臭,为人子女的只能帮他清理,并请维持他们的“自尊心”。 当他们不再爱洗澡时,请抽空定期帮他们洗身体,因为纵使他们自己洗也可能洗不干净。当我们在享受食物的时候,请替他们准备一份大小适当、容易咀嚼的一小 碗,因为他们不爱吃可能是牙齿咬不动了。 从我们出生开始,喂奶换尿布、生病的不眠不休照料、教我们生活基本能力、供给读书、吃喝玩乐和补习,关心和行动永远都不停歇。如果有一天,他们真的动不了 了,角色互换不也是应该的吗? 为人子女者要切记,看父母就是看自己的未来,孝顺要及时。
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Teachers (A poem about teachers)
Selamat Pagi Cikgu!
Class, Good Morning, Sir!
Lao Shi Zao An! (老师早安)
They say, it is
a noble job with a modest pay.
As they service without delay,
to schools - far, far, far... away.
Ha, Ulu Bole?
Long Pasia?
P1, P2, P3..
Hey! Don't forget the 10% from your basic pay!
BISP, dan tambang FREE... (BISP and transportation ticket is FREE)
bersyukur lah... banyak dah kena bagi. (Be grateful, already given a lot...)
erm... Thank You so much, MIE (LOL)
Teachers, are like Jack of all trades.
Managers, administrators, counselors, motivators, decorators, gardeners, friends,
just to name a few.
Salesmen and saleswomen!
MLM of many kinds,
Promote products from A to Z,
Mau kain batik ada... (We have batik)
Minyak wangi pun ada... (Want perfume? We have it)
Macam macam ada! (You name it)
Buli bayar ansur-ansur bah! (Can pay by assurance)
Hei bro, mau trica juice? (Brother, want Trica Juice)
Barang bagus punya... (It's good thing you know...)
buli ba kalo ko... (OK 'bah if you).
Unlike Jack,
They are MASTERS of,
Pedagogy, Methodology, Psychology, Administration,
And... there is another one my friends.
are loaded with new stuffs.
New agendas,
New deals.
The agent of change, so to say.
Apa, Si Linus? Antah... macam blum datang lagi ba, (What, Linus? Don't know... like not arrived yet.)
Sana... di kantin ba. Minum Minum. (There... at the canteen, drinking.)
No, no, no!
Not that Linus!
Linus means,
Literasi dan Numerasi. (literation and numeration)
Salah satu program dalam sub NKRA. (one of the program in sub NKRA)
Atau, bidang Keberhasilan Utama Negara.
By the year 2012,
Semua pelajar Tahun 3, (All year 3 students)
boleh membaca dan mengira. (Can read and count)
Jadi... (So)
Kalau ada yang belum pandai membaca dan mengira? (If there is still someone cannot read and count)
Habislah, habislah kamu! Habislah sekolah! (Then, finish, you are finished, the school are finished!)
we, teachers,
firmly believe,
we can achieve the Mission and Vision of PPD and KPI of our schools.
We are physically strong,
We are emotionally stable,
We are spiritually blessed.
We work unconditionally.
All for one.
One PPD,
One State,
One Nation.
And, one for all.
The almighty God in return,
with bless all of us.
From PPD, and edited.
Selamat Pagi Cikgu!
Class, Good Morning, Sir!
Lao Shi Zao An! (老师早安)
They say, it is
a noble job with a modest pay.
As they service without delay,
to schools - far, far, far... away.
Ha, Ulu Bole?
Long Pasia?
P1, P2, P3..
Hey! Don't forget the 10% from your basic pay!
BISP, dan tambang FREE... (BISP and transportation ticket is FREE)
bersyukur lah... banyak dah kena bagi. (Be grateful, already given a lot...)
erm... Thank You so much, MIE (LOL)
Teachers, are like Jack of all trades.
Managers, administrators, counselors, motivators, decorators, gardeners, friends,
just to name a few.
Salesmen and saleswomen!
MLM of many kinds,
Promote products from A to Z,
Mau kain batik ada... (We have batik)
Minyak wangi pun ada... (Want perfume? We have it)
Macam macam ada! (You name it)
Buli bayar ansur-ansur bah! (Can pay by assurance)
Hei bro, mau trica juice? (Brother, want Trica Juice)
Barang bagus punya... (It's good thing you know...)
buli ba kalo ko... (OK 'bah if you).
Unlike Jack,
They are MASTERS of,
Pedagogy, Methodology, Psychology, Administration,
And... there is another one my friends.
are loaded with new stuffs.
New agendas,
New deals.
The agent of change, so to say.
Apa, Si Linus? Antah... macam blum datang lagi ba, (What, Linus? Don't know... like not arrived yet.)
Sana... di kantin ba. Minum Minum. (There... at the canteen, drinking.)
No, no, no!
Not that Linus!
Linus means,
Literasi dan Numerasi. (literation and numeration)
Salah satu program dalam sub NKRA. (one of the program in sub NKRA)
Atau, bidang Keberhasilan Utama Negara.
By the year 2012,
Semua pelajar Tahun 3, (All year 3 students)
boleh membaca dan mengira. (Can read and count)
Jadi... (So)
Kalau ada yang belum pandai membaca dan mengira? (If there is still someone cannot read and count)
Habislah, habislah kamu! Habislah sekolah! (Then, finish, you are finished, the school are finished!)
we, teachers,
firmly believe,
we can achieve the Mission and Vision of PPD and KPI of our schools.
We are physically strong,
We are emotionally stable,
We are spiritually blessed.
We work unconditionally.
All for one.
One PPD,
One State,
One Nation.
And, one for all.
The almighty God in return,
with bless all of us.
From PPD, and edited.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Planned, or outplanned?
A little bit of my rants.
This Friday we will be having a reflection at the school - Not sure if it is compulsory but might take a chance to go to the city as I have a lot of things to do, especially with my affairs about money and result.
Since there is something to do at the day, therefore everything for this week's lesson has well planned. I will be giving the students an exam and preparation on the role play as there are plenty of time, no?
Plan before the rain, 未雨绸缪, eh? I don't think it is working - or you may say it is predictable.
This is what has come out of expectation. The admin (lazy to mention) allows us to leave at Friday (well it oughta to, as we are not going for vacation) but we are required to leave after 10 - hey, the trip is taking like... 2 to 3 hours, and we need to attend the Saturday's event!
Let's say if I am moving at 10 that time, then I can do nothing, but waste money for just attending the reflection, and then go back and prepare for the next day's event. I planned to go to the admin office of my U (Fridays, and they are good on taking breaks, from 11 to 2.30, if I am correct?) to settle off everything in one go (changing the result is only valid in the first month) and F*** that, almost every Saturday there are events in the school. I don't mean that I hate that... no. But at least give me a break for me to settle the 'so-called personal event' - it is important for me.
With the time constraint, what's the point I waste almost RM 100 just for the reflection, and I am not get paid, yet pay for everything including my 'personal matters' in the U if I cannot do so? I also need to get some materials and perhaps take some time to release my tension off. Planned to get a leave on Friday and settle everything off - it is not easy to go to KK when you live in 'outskirts'.
I am a human, not a cyborg or robot.
This Friday we will be having a reflection at the school - Not sure if it is compulsory but might take a chance to go to the city as I have a lot of things to do, especially with my affairs about money and result.
Since there is something to do at the day, therefore everything for this week's lesson has well planned. I will be giving the students an exam and preparation on the role play as there are plenty of time, no?
Plan before the rain, 未雨绸缪, eh? I don't think it is working - or you may say it is predictable.
This is what has come out of expectation. The admin (lazy to mention) allows us to leave at Friday (well it oughta to, as we are not going for vacation) but we are required to leave after 10 - hey, the trip is taking like... 2 to 3 hours, and we need to attend the Saturday's event!
Let's say if I am moving at 10 that time, then I can do nothing, but waste money for just attending the reflection, and then go back and prepare for the next day's event. I planned to go to the admin office of my U (Fridays, and they are good on taking breaks, from 11 to 2.30, if I am correct?) to settle off everything in one go (changing the result is only valid in the first month) and F*** that, almost every Saturday there are events in the school. I don't mean that I hate that... no. But at least give me a break for me to settle the 'so-called personal event' - it is important for me.
With the time constraint, what's the point I waste almost RM 100 just for the reflection, and I am not get paid, yet pay for everything including my 'personal matters' in the U if I cannot do so? I also need to get some materials and perhaps take some time to release my tension off. Planned to get a leave on Friday and settle everything off - it is not easy to go to KK when you live in 'outskirts'.
I am a human, not a cyborg or robot.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Practicum life - football match
Last Sunday my school had football competition at Sipitang district. 8 teams from the area, including my school, joined the competition. It was based on knock-off competition. I am playing at the right side, including RB, RM, RSW, and also RW. Well... I am playing with the No.6 jersey.

The first match is our school, SMK Padang Berampah versus Oranje Army (I think it is the Western Zone...)
The first match we were against Western Area and we had a comfortable win, 6-3. My ratings from the match was 5.5, with one offiside and a foul.
The morning match. The players are enjoying and discussing for the strategy. The man, second right was an veteran player that assists a lot in the match.
Meanwhile at the evening, we were are semi finals and against PPD. A tough match, yet we won 2-1. Rating for the match was 5.0 as I performed no attacks and also a foul.
The linesman is from our school. The student that picks the ball - also.
The evening match. The dirt and the rain makes there are some performance problem on the match.
The first match is our school, SMK Padang Berampah versus Oranje Army (I think it is the Western Zone...)
The first match we were against Western Area and we had a comfortable win, 6-3. My ratings from the match was 5.5, with one offiside and a foul.
Meanwhile at the evening, we were are semi finals and against PPD. A tough match, yet we won 2-1. Rating for the match was 5.0 as I performed no attacks and also a foul.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Teacher's day of the school of my practicum!
Last Saturday, my school had celebrated Teacher's day. And it is obvious that we practical teachers are compulsory to join the activity for sure, right. Still, it is not so bad as it shows the participation of the practical students too...

This is my group, we had a good result even it was a bit exhausted... Ranked 3rd out of 8.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The life of practical - Day 4
I am speechless with the event that happened. Expect to teach more than that but the progress is pretty slow.
The 9 (consider it as 10) sentences that I had taught...
1. Hello. Allow me to introduce you my friend, XXXX.
2. Nice to meet you. My name is XXXX. What is your name?
3. My name is XXXX. Nice to meet you too.
4. XXX, where are you from?
5. I am from XXX. How about you, where are you from?
6. Oh! I am from XXX.
7. My hobby is XXXX. How about yours, XXXX?
8a. Oh! We are sharing the same hobby. I also XXXXX.
8b. We are having different hobbies. My hobby is XXXX. How about you, XXXX?
9. My hobby is XXXX.
Well, the class is a big class, like around 35 students. However, they are pretty talkative and the classroom management of mine should be changed for some reason...
I had managed to get the learning outcome by asking them present every 3 sentence into groups. I am not really happy with this, but at least it is a good start as the class is partcipating. The issue is how I am going to conduct the lesson plan if the supervisor comes? I cannot use English fully as it is considered as an UFO language to them (still they understand a bit).
Please let me know what I can do to teach English for the weak class. Desperately need help on that for now.
The 9 (consider it as 10) sentences that I had taught...
1. Hello. Allow me to introduce you my friend, XXXX.
2. Nice to meet you. My name is XXXX. What is your name?
3. My name is XXXX. Nice to meet you too.
4. XXX, where are you from?
5. I am from XXX. How about you, where are you from?
6. Oh! I am from XXX.
7. My hobby is XXXX. How about yours, XXXX?
8a. Oh! We are sharing the same hobby. I also XXXXX.
8b. We are having different hobbies. My hobby is XXXX. How about you, XXXX?
9. My hobby is XXXX.
Well, the class is a big class, like around 35 students. However, they are pretty talkative and the classroom management of mine should be changed for some reason...
I had managed to get the learning outcome by asking them present every 3 sentence into groups. I am not really happy with this, but at least it is a good start as the class is partcipating. The issue is how I am going to conduct the lesson plan if the supervisor comes? I cannot use English fully as it is considered as an UFO language to them (still they understand a bit).
Please let me know what I can do to teach English for the weak class. Desperately need help on that for now.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Problem in my practicum! (Day 3)
Problem happens in the second day. Luckily that I met a real good Samaritan a.k.a. my previous house owner that I rented her room (but I cannot stand with the heat and cats), and eventually my problem about house was solved.
The new room is pretty good. At least it was air conditioned. Still:
1. The condition other than the room is worse compared to the previous one (if the previous one have no cats then it is good)
2. Toilet... (still OK, I loved the previous one but it is a bit 'not so good' here, after all I just spend most of my time at my room instead of toilet, duh)
3. Owner (not really tolerate, and hoped she can clean the house or maybe employ cleaners to perform cleaning matters as she was renting the house right). The rent was RM 350 per month! But it inclusive of bills (water and electric), so, after class, the aircon open till next morning. Don't care.
At least the school situation is not so bad. But now I am stuck on what should I do - my lesson plan at the school. After all at the first week is about settlement, and diagnose test (thanks to the previous teacher in their hard work, and now my demonstrator also in a headache because she was transferred from Form 1/2 into Form 4). Imagine that - Text book only 1 chapter has done, the literature done with both short stories (maybe?), no taught any part of grammar, and even worse - writing, too only completed with formal letter!
I will be having a hard life at here, facing a small group of students, and also problematic class. I hope I can solve this obstacle as the time progresses. I need to think how to teach the weak class as I had never done that yet...
The new room is pretty good. At least it was air conditioned. Still:
1. The condition other than the room is worse compared to the previous one (if the previous one have no cats then it is good)
2. Toilet... (still OK, I loved the previous one but it is a bit 'not so good' here, after all I just spend most of my time at my room instead of toilet, duh)
3. Owner (not really tolerate, and hoped she can clean the house or maybe employ cleaners to perform cleaning matters as she was renting the house right). The rent was RM 350 per month! But it inclusive of bills (water and electric), so, after class, the aircon open till next morning. Don't care.
At least the school situation is not so bad. But now I am stuck on what should I do - my lesson plan at the school. After all at the first week is about settlement, and diagnose test (thanks to the previous teacher in their hard work, and now my demonstrator also in a headache because she was transferred from Form 1/2 into Form 4). Imagine that - Text book only 1 chapter has done, the literature done with both short stories (maybe?), no taught any part of grammar, and even worse - writing, too only completed with formal letter!
I will be having a hard life at here, facing a small group of students, and also problematic class. I hope I can solve this obstacle as the time progresses. I need to think how to teach the weak class as I had never done that yet...
Monday, June 21, 2010
The big issue of mine for the moment
OK. The first moments in the practicum area. The school is good and others are fine so far (at least it is OK for now). Things went fine except for some. Forget about the situation at the school - I am now facing seriously bad health hazard and seeking for help!
I live at the shop lot for the moment. The room temperature here is unbelievably high - There are no windows to open for the moment as the security measures. I and my friend had decided to spend some money for the sake of health (try to imagine that you are in the room temperature of almost 30 degrees till the midnight due to the low air flow and might get sunstroke any time of noon when you are in the room). The machine costs some fortune and well... RM 1++ per person. You know the price. Still I cannot see that the condition of the room becomes cooler or what... Guess I need to have to ask on the shopkeeper...
Next. The room that we currently rent is a cat lover. You will never able to imagine how much cats that the owner have - 15 of them. I previously had a symptom of asthma and now I need to face so much cats due to lack of location - no quarters and no any suitable rooms to rent for the moment. The asthma sign has shown and I need to sort out the solution pretty soon.
Please - tell me, what should I do? I cannot asks the owner to keep the cats away beacuse of me (in morally)...
Advice me in my Facebook post located below:
P/S: Just checked at my result recently. I am sad with my PSMP result. But I think I cannot do anything with it...
I live at the shop lot for the moment. The room temperature here is unbelievably high - There are no windows to open for the moment as the security measures. I and my friend had decided to spend some money for the sake of health (try to imagine that you are in the room temperature of almost 30 degrees till the midnight due to the low air flow and might get sunstroke any time of noon when you are in the room). The machine costs some fortune and well... RM 1++ per person. You know the price. Still I cannot see that the condition of the room becomes cooler or what... Guess I need to have to ask on the shopkeeper...
Next. The room that we currently rent is a cat lover. You will never able to imagine how much cats that the owner have - 15 of them. I previously had a symptom of asthma and now I need to face so much cats due to lack of location - no quarters and no any suitable rooms to rent for the moment. The asthma sign has shown and I need to sort out the solution pretty soon.
Please - tell me, what should I do? I cannot asks the owner to keep the cats away beacuse of me (in morally)...
Advice me in my Facebook post located below:
P/S: Just checked at my result recently. I am sad with my PSMP result. But I think I cannot do anything with it...
Monday, June 14, 2010
对蜡笔小新... 对臼井仪人大师的最后的话
小新,我真的很想看你每年一度的剧场版,今年的剧场版春我部野生动物园我为了留个盼头还一直没看呢,还有我最喜欢的15周年 tv纪念版,日语中字的制作,画面精致的让我爱不释手,你不要剥夺我每个星期都搜索土豆的这个乐趣好不好,我每天下楼打饭前都会缓冲好几集你的15周年准备看的心情,你也要拿走?
我对小新的记忆还停留在了2009年8月的新番连载 662话。
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Findings of my practicum!
Just went to my future practical school - SMK Padang Berampah.
The school is bigger than I thought, LOL. They just constructed another new building and they have two different sessions, for Peralihan, Form 1, Form 2, and Form 3, Form 4, Form 5... The school also provided both old and new (don't know if I can live at the new one?) quarters, maybe need to discuss with the principal first about that.
The school is good, still the distance from there to the town is like 10 km something, it will cost some time and effort to go to the town if I was assigned to the afternoon class. Not sure if there is any student's hostel but hopefully there is none, somehow. As I am using newspaper as a part of my practicum and also for my thesis, I think I need to do something about the transportation.
From the comments (even though I am not sure it is true or not), they said the students are 'naughty' and weak in English. I think I need to prepare mentally for the school as well...
Food is another issue - unless I know how to cook, LOL! If I live in the quarters, no food supply at night.. yet cannot afford to pay if everything eat at outside... thanks to the stupid system, WTH said that we get allowance for RM 10 or RM 5 daily? In the letter...
Hostel fee (even though you become NR you need to worry on the application after your practicum and final semester), accommodation, course fee, bla bla bla. Where to get the money while you need to spend again?
The best thing about that location is there was 3G connection there! (even it can only get WCDMA and not HSDPA) I can re-connect or apply for Celcom 3G at my location. After all, I 'need' Internet to survive...
Wait patiently for the 45 days (That come soon)...
The school is bigger than I thought, LOL. They just constructed another new building and they have two different sessions, for Peralihan, Form 1, Form 2, and Form 3, Form 4, Form 5... The school also provided both old and new (don't know if I can live at the new one?) quarters, maybe need to discuss with the principal first about that.
The school is good, still the distance from there to the town is like 10 km something, it will cost some time and effort to go to the town if I was assigned to the afternoon class. Not sure if there is any student's hostel but hopefully there is none, somehow. As I am using newspaper as a part of my practicum and also for my thesis, I think I need to do something about the transportation.
From the comments (even though I am not sure it is true or not), they said the students are 'naughty' and weak in English. I think I need to prepare mentally for the school as well...
Food is another issue - unless I know how to cook, LOL! If I live in the quarters, no food supply at night.. yet cannot afford to pay if everything eat at outside... thanks to the stupid system, WTH said that we get allowance for RM 10 or RM 5 daily? In the letter...
...Pihak kami tidak membayar sebarang elaun untuk penama berikut yang akan menjalankan praktikum...
Hostel fee (even though you become NR you need to worry on the application after your practicum and final semester), accommodation, course fee, bla bla bla. Where to get the money while you need to spend again?
The best thing about that location is there was 3G connection there! (even it can only get WCDMA and not HSDPA) I can re-connect or apply for Celcom 3G at my location. After all, I 'need' Internet to survive...
Wait patiently for the 45 days (That come soon)...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Holiday has ended and the semester break is coming soon.
In a summary, I had a miserable semester for the moment.
First - my thesis. Well, I do put out a lot of hope though. But, is it that I am really demanding, naive or what? If people really don't know... then what can that people do except by asking questions? Wanted to have a good quality thesis, but when the supporting force is not helping, then it is likely impossible to do so. I obtained an impossible topic yet I can covered the 'impossible' to make it possible. Please, I need your comment or support SERIOUSLY. It is not that I love to offend the rules...
Second - Practical. I hate this phrase a lot when I asks...
Ahem... Of course 'you' are not worried because you are not the one who get supervised... It is not that tough - just find a supervisor near the 'coverage area' to supervise us! It is just four of us, after all...
Third - final exam
Well. some issue happened... I need to settle everything in 5 days and then 'not checked'... Gosh. I wonder what I had done in those days and doing something worthless while my work was not checked... wasted all my effort on the papers and no more mood to study my final exam... What... flunked all of them, of course.
Fourth - hostel
Because of practicum that 'not offered any allowance' to us, I am forced to register myself as a NR student just to save the 3 months money for my future accommodation in that area... During the practicum I need to worry my thesis, my practicum and my accommodation after my practicum. What a horrible semester.
I wished that I am a gifted one for now... Pretty envy on them, somehow.
In a summary, I had a miserable semester for the moment.
First - my thesis. Well, I do put out a lot of hope though. But, is it that I am really demanding, naive or what? If people really don't know... then what can that people do except by asking questions? Wanted to have a good quality thesis, but when the supporting force is not helping, then it is likely impossible to do so. I obtained an impossible topic yet I can covered the 'impossible' to make it possible. Please, I need your comment or support SERIOUSLY. It is not that I love to offend the rules...
Second - Practical. I hate this phrase a lot when I asks...
Don't worry, I will work it for you, just wait for us to inform you who is the supervisor.
Ahem... Of course 'you' are not worried because you are not the one who get supervised... It is not that tough - just find a supervisor near the 'coverage area' to supervise us! It is just four of us, after all...
Third - final exam
Well. some issue happened... I need to settle everything in 5 days and then 'not checked'... Gosh. I wonder what I had done in those days and doing something worthless while my work was not checked... wasted all my effort on the papers and no more mood to study my final exam... What... flunked all of them, of course.
Fourth - hostel
Because of practicum that 'not offered any allowance' to us, I am forced to register myself as a NR student just to save the 3 months money for my future accommodation in that area... During the practicum I need to worry my thesis, my practicum and my accommodation after my practicum. What a horrible semester.
I wished that I am a gifted one for now... Pretty envy on them, somehow.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Just a little rant of my situation.
I am pretty lucky because I am still at my hostel, my uni, instead of "Bukit Padang" recently. Holy S*** on everything, all went off not smoothly in this semester...
I am pretty lucky because I am still at my hostel, my uni, instead of "Bukit Padang" recently. Holy S*** on everything, all went off not smoothly in this semester...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The 20 things you should do when you are graduate.
Happen to get this when I am surfing net, credits to the person who created this essay (I do the translation only LOL)
Read the 20 keys! Click here to show!
Will anyone remember to do so when they are going to graduate? I think I will. And there should be something more to do... (just cannot think off due to the 'state of blank')
Read the 20 keys! Click here to show!
Will anyone remember to do so when they are going to graduate? I think I will. And there should be something more to do... (just cannot think off due to the 'state of blank')
Saturday, April 3, 2010
A Tragic Death.
People always said that proverbs are true at most of the time, and they are used to give people a lesson. At Malay, we have "Air Dicincang Tidak Akan Putus" and in Chinese "血浓于水" (The blood is more concentrated than water). 
It is not literally correct or useful sometimes...
It is not literally correct or useful sometimes...
Friday, March 12, 2010
'Teh' semester of pressure!
It is really the moment of pressure!
Plenty of things need to be done in such short semester (even it is good as there is less focus in the final exam). And now I understand why there are certain students driven nuts when they are studying in the university.
Had a lot of assignments that need to be done:
1. 'Stooooopid philosophy'
After all, it is just reached the main course level. Really worthy to be called as a 'Zoo- the tyrant'.
2. Materials and Syllabus
My fault that fails in time management - the lecturer gave the assignment in the beginning of the semester, and he is helping us as we have less pressure on the exams. This is why I hate exam-orienated courses.
3. Thesis
Hopefully can start off with the first chapter ASAP. Getting behind right now...
4. Computer
Video, test, Intel Teach... Where is the learning of Flash? The first internet-based assessment... and WTH is Intel Teach...?
With less than 30 days till the final exam, hopefully I can settle all of these before that...
Plenty of things need to be done in such short semester (even it is good as there is less focus in the final exam). And now I understand why there are certain students driven nuts when they are studying in the university.
Had a lot of assignments that need to be done:
1. 'Stooooopid philosophy'
After all, it is just reached the main course level. Really worthy to be called as a 'Zoo- the tyrant'.
2. Materials and Syllabus
My fault that fails in time management - the lecturer gave the assignment in the beginning of the semester, and he is helping us as we have less pressure on the exams. This is why I hate exam-orienated courses.
3. Thesis
4. Computer
Video, test, Intel Teach... Where is the learning of Flash? The first internet-based assessment... and WTH is Intel Teach...?
With less than 30 days till the final exam, hopefully I can settle all of these before that...
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Photolog 2 - Clouds
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Well, my posts that related to photos will known as Photolog, so that it is easier for you to search and for me to note it.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Time for a little joke...
Gotten this joke somewhere else, looks a bit funny and brings out a moral value inside. (This is how I do my teaching English using newspaper? LOL)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Suspicious phone number...
0321704666... beware on this number when you received the calls from the number mentioned.
Monday, February 8, 2010
That's why I HATE the lecturer of Philosophy of Education.
Do you think it is easy for him to gain the title of "King of C"
(he is good at giving C's)? Just have a look at his overview of assignments (actually it is bullshitting)...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Student Council - Best way to reveal 'humanity'?
Trends of people are sure... wierd and funny... right?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
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1. Not matter how introvert you are in the class/ lecture. You must use this chance to talk to your friends, or perform in front of them, or like the new semester, introduce yourself (it doesn't matter!) to your friends.
2. Visit the lecturer you respect the most. Talk to them, and learn a 'theory of life-walk process' when you graduate.
3. Tell the girl/ boy that you liked/ loved before: "I loved/ liked you before!"
4. Buckle yourself up and say sorry to someone that you never do so.
5. Drunk yourself for this time - even you don't drink.
6. In a rainy night, go out, shout as many of your friends' name that you can remember, even though your action might woke up N number of people.
7. Go to the cafe of your residential area, and drink the soup. You will remember the taste of the soup for eternity.
8. In a morning, try to jog. You will realize that the strength of yourself has made a huge difference compared to when you first entered the university.
9. Never write/craft "XXX been here before" in your hostel, anywhere. You know why.
10. Make a promise to yourself that you will never miss or escape any gatherings - if there is any.
11. Wear formal attire once. Compare again, see is there any difference of yourself at the past 3/ 4 years?
12. Spend some time to clean up and organize your items. Filter and see what are useful, and what are not. You might also end up by getting on someone's item or surprise inside.
13. When guys are cleaning up the items, try to: give your jersey to your male junior, CD to your female junior, books and games... bring it back. For females, your gown/ prom dress to your female junior, books to your male junior, cosmetics... bring it back.
14. If there is a mountain in your university, remember to climb it again. If there is a pool or beach in your university, remember to go to swim or play at there again.
15. Remember to get some of your good or constant friend's contact, and even give them your possible new number or address if you are going to change them.
16. Make a final haircut 'in the university life'. You are going to have a new life and bring a new start by doing so.
17. Remember to return any passes or cards, tables, books, anything that you need to. I know the opinion that 'those can become a memory of mine - I rather to get penalized than return them back'. It is subjective, anyway.
18. Your thesis and viva might the the last assignment in your university (and might not). No matter how troubled you have, try to treat this 'assignment' seriously.
19. Have a memorable photo with everything that you had gone through with you for the years you are in the university.
20. Try to bid farewell with as much of your coursemates, friends in university, if possible. They have been with you for the four years. There might be some possibility that the friends that you had bid farewell is the last and only moment.