Plenty of things need to be done in such short semester (even it is good as there is less focus in the final exam). And now I understand why there are certain students driven nuts when they are studying in the university.
Had a lot of assignments that need to be done:
1. 'Stooooopid philosophy'
After all, it is just reached the main course level. Really worthy to be called as a 'Zoo- the tyrant'.
2. Materials and Syllabus
My fault that fails in time management - the lecturer gave the assignment in the beginning of the semester, and he is helping us as we have less pressure on the exams. This is why I hate exam-orienated courses.
3. Thesis
4. Computer
Video, test, Intel Teach... Where is the learning of Flash? The first internet-based assessment... and WTH is Intel Teach...?
With less than 30 days till the final exam, hopefully I can settle all of these before that...
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