Monday, April 28, 2008

Final Paper - SLA VS TRS

Whew... tomorrow will become one of my pathetic day for my final.

Second Language Acquisition + Teaching Reading Skills popped out at the same time. And today I still got Malaysian Studies need to be 'banged' on (by golly, not studied finished yet...)

Confused and also annoyed with the BPA at my school. How 'good' are they to fixed on such schedule. In the beginning of the semester, course time crashed a lot in my school's course with certain majors, and then during the final timetable, the timetable of the majors crashed on the same day... Oh gosh...

Now I start to worry that if I am able to cope up with the 3.33 pointer for this semester as I mentioned to my friend in the beginning of the semester?

Yup, yup... will try to score the best as I able for the courses, hopefully that I still remember the thing from the mid term then and try my best shot on this final (then I am done with my works, horray!)

Anyway, to my friends who are also in the same situation as me, good luck to you and wish for the best.

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