Saturday, November 10, 2007

The final exam in school

Yeah. Now, all of the students in university will need to prepare for their final exam, which takes around a month for the final exam. Most of the students ended their test around two to three weeks. However, there is some exception sometimes.

Yeah. Why I say so? Justification for this - I am also one of the 'exception' which I need to ended up at here for around a month, if compared with most of my friends that will only stay here for a week or two, then fly back to their hometown.

For here, the final test month gives two meaning, which for the first, strive for the exam and hoped for a result, and the second, strive for the exam and hoped the test ended soon so they can go back to their hometown.

Good luck for whomever is taking the final exam for the moment, or STPM - you will need it.

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