Saturday, August 30, 2008

51th National Day - 2008


At last it is the time again for the 'anniversary of Malaysia'.

Seems that this year our country is always facing quite a number of ups and downs and now there is still some political issue about the country. But still, for today I think all of the grudges will be hold down for a while, at least for a day.

Theme for this year's National Day - Unity is the basic for success (Perpaduan Asas Kejayaan)... Will it really can be done?

Happy National Day 2008.

Yeah... and happy holiday for my DA coursemate because we no need to face that ugly fella by next Monday, uh.. whatever. Enjoy for the holidays.

P/S: I also consider today as the 1 year anniversary for my blog too as I started this at the beginning of the month by last year. Thanks (to you, readers) for reading and visiting for my blog. Hopefully I am able to continue till the end though.

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