Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Classic words from a professional lecturer!

Today is another boring day. Because of that, I am able to have a view on the life of the people.

A word from a Ass. Pro. Doc (dog)?

Wow, a number of fantastic quotes that we can hear from this fella when I am mentioning the name. There are around 2 things that I need to quote from him and see what is your reaction...

1. Look at me, look at me. When I started teaching, you all are not even born yet.
(What do you mean by that, telling us that you are old, or experienced)?

The interesting part...
2. XXXXXXX, what do you think about 'masturXXXXXX'?
Is it fun? OK lah, right?
(wow... a classic word from a lecturer, especially who always quoted himself as a professional man, said something like this without thinking carefully! Yes he did said we are all mature, but still got some of them are not, and this topic is far more sensitive that it should be. A lot of examples can be used but why this?)

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